On February 10, 1947, the nude and mutilated body of a 40-year-old pilot, nurse, and small-time actress Jeanne French was discovered in a vacant lot in West Los Angeles.

Reporters and investigators at the murder scene of Jeanne French
Reporters and investigators at the scene of Jeanne French's murder.

The woman had been beaten and stomped to death.

A cryptic message, "Fuck you BD," and "Tex Andy," was scrawled onto her skin with red lipstick.

A close-up of the puzling writings on Jeanne French's body
A close-up of the puzling writings on Jeanne French's body.

Investigators who arrived at the scene were shocked to discover that French's murder bore eerie similarities to the Black Dahlia's case.

Not only did both crimes occur less than a month and seven miles apart, but both women suffered extensive pre and post-mortem injuries.

Media reports speculated that the initials "BD" found on French’s body could refer to the "Black Dahlia."

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