In 1996, 21-year-old Ricardo Lopez received nationwide attention for his attempt to kill Icelandic singer Bjork.

Lopez had developed an obsession with the singer in 1993 and grew increasingly angry over her relationship with Goldie.

Lopez gathered information about Bjork’s life, closely followed her career, and wrote numerous fan letters.

Within his 803-page diary, Lopez expressed his longing to be accepted by Bjork and to be a person who could have ”an effect on her life.”

Within his 803-page diary, Ricardo Lopez expressed his longing to be accepted by Bjork and to be a person who could have ”an effect on her life.”
Within his 803-page diary, Ricardo Lopez expressed his longing to be accepted by Bjork and to be a person who could have ”an effect on her life.”

The diary also contained passages about Lopez’s thoughts on Bjork, his feelings of inadequacy due to being overweight, his disgust and embarrassment about his gynecomastia, and his struggles in finding a girlfriend.

Ricardo Lopez gathered information about Bjork's life, closely followed her career, and wrote numerous fan letters.
Ricardo Lopez gathered information about Bjork’s life, closely followed her career, and wrote numerous fan letters.

Lopez’s obsession with the singer reached another level when Entertainment Weekly revealed that Bjork was in a romantic relationship with musician Goldie.

Lopez's obsession with the singer reached another level when Entertainment Weekly revealed that Bjork was in a romantic relationship with musician Goldie.
Lopez’s obsession with the singer reached another level when Entertainment Weekly revealed that Bjork was in a romantic relationship with musician Goldie.

The stalker became angered by what he perceived as betrayal. In his diary, Lopez wrote: “I wasted eight months, and she has a lover.”

Over the next two months, Lopez produced a 22-hour-long video diary, documenting his thoughts about Bjork and his plan for revenge. As time went on, Lopez’s anger over Bjork’s relationship intensified, leading him to decide to kill her.

A still from one of Lopez's videotapes
A still from one of Lopez’s videotapes.

On September 12, 1996, Lopez sent a letter bomb containing sulfuric acid to Bjork’s residence in London. He then returned home to film his own suicide, hoping for a reunion with Bjork in heaven.

Initially, Lopez had planned to create a bomb filled with needles containing HIV-tainted blood, but he found it unfeasible and chose to use sulfuric acid instead.

Lopez's decomposing body was found by the Hollywood Police Department four days later, with a message on the wall that read: “The 8mm videos are documentation of a crime, a terrorist matter, intended for the FBI.”
Lopez’s decomposing body was found by the Hollywood Police Department four days later, with a message on the wall that read: “The 8mm videos are documentation of a crime, a terrorist matter, intended for the FBI.”

Lopez’s decomposing body was found by the Hollywood Police Department four days later, with a message on the wall that read: “The 8mm videos are documentation of a crime, a terrorist matter, intended for the FBI.”

Ricardo Lopez's decomposing body was found by the Hollywood Police Department four days later, with a message on the wall that read: “The 8mm videos are documentation of a crime, a terrorist matter, intended for the FBI.”
Lopez’s decomposing body was found by the Hollywood Police Department four days later, with a message on the wall that read: “The 8mm videos are documentation of a crime, a terrorist matter, intended for the FBI.”
Lopez's decomposing body was found by the Hollywood Police Department four days later, with a message on the wall that read: “The 8mm videos are documentation of a crime, a terrorist matter, intended for the FBI.”
Lopez’s decomposing body was found by the Hollywood Police Department four days later, with a message on the wall that read: “The 8mm videos are documentation of a crime, a terrorist matter, intended for the FBI.”

Upon viewing Lopez’s final tape, the police contacted Scotland Yard to alert them to a potentially explosive package en route to Bjork’s residence.

Ricardo Lopez with a gun in his mouth
A still from Lopez’s final videotape.

The Metropolitan Police successfully intercepted and safely detonated the package.

A hand-painted sign "The best of me. Sept. 12” can be seen in Ricard Lopez's apartment
A hand-painted sign “The best of me. Sept. 12” can be seen in Ricard Lopez’s apartment. Police theorized that Lopez intended to cover the sign with his blood and brain matter, however, the gun was not powerful enough to cause that effect.

Unknown to Lopez, Bjork and Goldie had ended their relationship a few days before he mailed the bomb and took his own life.

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