On June 11, 1981, 32-year-old literature student Issei Sagawa invited his 25-year-old classmate, Renée Hartevelt, to dinner at his apartment in Paris under the pretext of translating poetry for a school assignment.

The exterior of Issei Sagawa's apartment

After she began reading, Sagawa shot the 25-year-old in the neck with a rifle. The shock caused the killer to faint, but Sagawa soon awoke, realizing he had to proceed with his plan of killing and eating her.

The room where Issei Sagawa shot his classmate in the neck with a rifle

Sagawa chose her for her health and beauty, characteristics he believed he lacked. The cannibal considered himself weak, ugly, and small, and told the police he wanted to absorb her energy.

A look at Issei Sagawa's kitchen

Sagawa then had sex with her corpse and ate various parts of her body, including breasts and face, and preserved other pieces in his refrigerator. The cannibal also took photographs while dissecting her corpse.

A look at Issei Sagawa's kitchen
A look at Issei Sagawa's kitchen

After fulfilling his perverse desires, Sagawa stuffed the girl’s body into two suitcases and tried to dispose of them in a lake.

The suitcase Issei Sagawa used to dispose of Renée Hartevelt's body

He was caught in the act and arrested by the French police.

Despite the brutality of his crime, Sagawa was deemed unfit to stand trial due to insanity and spent five years in a mental facility.

Investigators examine Renée Hartevelt's remains

After further testing, psychologists changed their opinion and declared him sane, attributing his sole motivation for the murder to sexual perversion.

Renée Hartevelt's remains on the autopsy table

However, Sagawa could not be legally detained in Japan, and despite public outrage, he walked free.

Renée Hartevelt's remains on the autopsy table

After his release, Sagawa gained notoriety as a Japanese celebrity.

Sagawa was frequently invited as a guest speaker and commentator, appeared in a movie as a sado-sexual voyeur, freelanced as a food critic, and authored twenty books about his crimes and fantasies.

Renée Hartevelt's remains on the autopsy table

His latest work, titled “Extremely Intimate Fantasies of Beautiful Girls,” is filled with pictures drawn by Sagawa himself as well as other famous artists.

A close-up of the mutilations on Renée Hartevelt's body

“I hope that people who read it will at least stop thinking of me as a monster,” Sagawa said.

On November 24, 2022, Issei Sagawa died from complications of pneumonia at a hospital in Tokyo at the age of 73.

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