On July 18, 1984, James Huberty entered a crowded McDonald’s in San Ysidro with a plan: “hunting for humans.”

The exterior of the San Ysidro McDonald's where James Huberty killed 21 and wounding 19 others
The exterior view of the San Ysidro McDonald's, shown July 19, 1984. Most of the bodies found outside the restaurant were along this side, in front of the parked cars alongside the store.

Armed with a small arsenal of guns, Huberty instructed everyone to get down on the floor. He then began shooting the patrons point-blank, killing 21 and wounding 19 others.

A San Diego police officer squats over the body of a child killed in the McDonald’s massacre
A San Diego police officer squats over the body of a child killed in the McDonald’s massacre.

Huberty's youngest fatal victims were an 8-month-old baby, a 9-year-old girl, and three 11-year-old boys.

11-year-old victim Joshua Coleman is tended to by a paramedic after being shot by James Huberty
Joshua Coleman, 11, is tended to by a paramedic after being shot by the gunman.

Huberty was killed by a police sniper approximately 77 minutes after he first opened fire.

A bloodied victim of the McDonald's massacre is led away by police as SWAT officers assist the wounded
A bloodied victim is led away by police as SWAT officers assist the wounded.

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