Richard Kuklinski is often referred to as a model father and husband. According to Kuklinski’s wife, this is far from the truth.

Richard Kuklinski with his wife and daughters
Richard Kuklinski with his wife and daughters.

During one of her interviews, Barbara Kuklinski revealed that for more than 45 years, she lived with a man who, behind closed doors, abused and beat her black-and-blue.

Soon after they started dating, Barbara told Richard she wanted to break up with him. Kuklinski responded by silently jabbing her from behind with a hunting knife so sharp that she didn’t even feel the blade go in.

Merrick Kuklinski, daughter of Richard Kuklinski, holds hands with her mother, Barbara, during press conference at lawyer's office.
Merrick Kuklinski, daughter of Richard Kuklinski, holds hands with her mother, Barbara, during press conference at lawyer’s office. (Getty)

Following the incident, Barbara discovered she was pregnant and was left with no other choice than to return to the safety of her father’s home in Florida. Kuklinski pursued her – by this time, he was divorced from his first wife, whose nipples he claimed to have sliced off when she was unfaithful to him.

Under great duress, Barbara agreed to marry Kuklinski, who threatened to murder her father, whom she adored.

When he caught Barbara smoking, the Iceman made her sit outside on a hard metal stool all night. She lost the baby the following day and later miscarried for the second time.

Richard Kuklinski arriving at a court session.
Richard Kuklinski arriving at a court session.

When she was five months pregnant for the third time, Kuklinski turned on her. He broke her nose, beating her so violently that she began bleeding from her vagina. She went into premature labor – their son was born dead.

“He beat those babies out of me,” Barbara said.

Barbara described Kuklinski’s behavior as alternating between “good Richie” and “bad Richie.”

“Good Richie” was a hard-working provider, affectionate father, and loving husband who enjoyed time with his family. In contrast, “Bad Richie” – who would appear at irregular intervals: sometimes one day after another, other times not appearing for months – was prone to unpredictable fits of rage, smashing furniture, and domestic violence.

During one of his rage attacks, Kuklinski killed his daughter’s dog right in front of her to punish her for coming home late.

A gun and ammunition recovered after Richard Kuklinski's arrest
A gun and ammunition recovered after Richard Kuklinski’s arrest. (Getty)

When asked why she didn’t leave Richard, his wife Barbara said:

“I believed him when he told me he would hurt the people I loved the most. There was no doubt in my mind. I had no choice but to marry him. It was the most miserable day of my life. But I was young and naive. I thought I could change him, but he was a jealous, jealous man. I knew if I tried to escape, he would hunt me down and tear me limb from limb.”

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