Meet Robert Berdella – a Kansas City serial killer who kidnapped, raped, tortured, and murdered at least six young men after subjecting them to periods of captivity lasting up to six weeks.

A torture Polaroid of Mark Wallace, shortly after being captured by Berdella in June 1985.
A torture Polaroid of Mark Wallace, shortly after being captured by Berdella in June 1985.

Police found a total of 357 photographs, depicting 23 people in various states of sexual torture, 6 of whom were identified as his murder victims.

Robert Sheldon after being drugged into unconsciousness by Robert Berdella in April 1985.
Robert Sheldon after being drugged into unconsciousness by Robert Berdella in April 1985.

After taking the men into captivity, Berdella would familiarize them with the “house rules” and subjected them to beatings, insertion of foreign objects into their anal cavities, and electric shock, regardless of whether they were obedient to his imposed rules.

Todd Stoops receiving a 7,700-volt jolt of electricity from his captor, Robert Berdella.
Todd Stoops receiving a 7,700-volt jolt of electricity from his captor, Robert Berdella.

Berdella’s torture methods ranged from putting bleach into the victims’ eyes to injecting them with different types of drugs, such as Thorazine, animal tranquilizers, and curare.

A Polaroid of Larry Pearson shortly after being captured by Berdella in June 1987. The victim is handcuffed, gagged with piano wire and injected with a hypodermic needle.
A Polaroid of Larry Pearson shortly after being captured by Berdella in June 1987. The victim is handcuffed, gagged with piano wire and injected with a hypodermic needle.
Larry Pearson some time later. His face is battered and his right hand is broken.
Larry Pearson some time later. His face is battered and his right hand is broken.

On multiple occasions, the killer injected Drano into their throats.

A Polaroid of James Ferris. The victim is bound, gagged and injected.
A Polaroid of James Ferris. The victim is bound, gagged and injected.

Berdella would then record the effects in a diary.

A Polaroid of Chris Bryson in captivity, taken by Robert Berdella in April 1988.
A Polaroid of Chris Bryson in captivity, taken by Robert Berdella in April 1988.

During his confessions, The Kansas City Butcher claimed that the movie adaptation of John Fowles’ 1963 novel “The Collector” had a huge impact on him as a teenager and served as inspiration for his crimes.

A Polaroid of Todd Stoops after being held hostage for two weeks. His appearance had changed so dramatically police did not recognize Stoops from Berdella’s earlier photos of him.
A Polaroid of Todd Stoops after being held hostage for two weeks. His appearance had changed so dramatically police did not recognize Stoops from Berdella’s earlier photos of him.

Eerily enough, Berdella was not the only killer who took the novel as a source of inspiration.

The infamous murderous duo, Charles Ng and Leonard Lake, named their murder and torture plot “Operation Miranda” after the character in Fowles’ book. Lake was obsessed with the novel and had a copy of ‘The Collector’ inside his bunker.

Behind the Tape Photobook
Behind the Tape Photobook features 20 GRAPHIC photos of Robert Berdella’s reign of terror, as well as over a thousand more hand-picked crime scene photos.
Filled with exclusive case file information and never-before-heard facts, the Photobook is the ULTIMATE treat for every true crime junkie!
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