Meet Robert Pickton - a demented serial killer who fed his victims to pigs.

A monster who claimed he was disappointed with himself that he had only killed forty-nine and did not "make the big five-O."

An aerial view of Robert Pickton's farm

Between 1978 and 2001, at least 65 women, mostly sex workers, began disappearing from the Downtown Eastside in Vancouver, Canada.

An aerial view of Robert Pickton's farm

With rumors of a serial killer at large beginning to spread, sex workers began walking in groups and writing down the license plates of cars that picked up women.

An aerial view of Robert Pickton's farm

The disappearances continued, but the Vancouver police denied the serial killer theory, as no bodies were ever found.

Old cars parked on Pickton's property
Old vehicles parked on Pickton's property.

On 22 March 1997, a woman came forward claiming that she managed to escape the clutches of a man named Robert Pickton who attempted to kill her.

The trailer Robert Pickton lived in
Robert Pickton's trailer at the back of the search site.

Although Pickton was charged with attempted murder, assault with a weapon, and forcible confinement, the charges were dropped because the woman, due to her drug addiction, was not considered a reliable witness. Pickton argued that the woman attacked him, not the other way around.

The trailer Robert Pickton lived in
The exterior of Pickton's messy trailer, which had old chairs and appliances sitting on a deck outside the main door.

However, it didn't take long for Pickton's name to resurface.

In the spring of 1999, an informant told the Vancouver police that a friend, Lynn Ellingsen, had seen a woman’s body hanging at Robert Pickton’s farm.

Kitchen inside the trailer Robert Pickton lived in
Kitchen in the trailer, looking into the laundry room where police found a loaded .22-calibre revolver with a dildo attached to the barrel. The Crown says the dildo bore the DNA of Mona Wilson and Robert Pickton. The Crown also says a pillow case with Andrea Joesbury's DNA on it was found in this room.

Police brought Ellingsen in for questioning, but she denied ever seeing such a thing. Later, she confessed that she had, in fact, seen the body but feared Pickton might hurt her. Ellingsen also told the police that she depended on Pickton for drugs.

Pickton's office room
Pickton's cluttered office, with the stuffed head of his pet horse Goldie in the upper left hand corner.

The same year, a 37-year-old man named Bill Hiscox, who worked for Pickton, reached out to the Royal Canadian Mounted Police claiming that Pickton's friend had told him she had seen women’s clothing, purses, and ID papers at the pig farm.

Robert Pickton's office room
Pickton's cluttered office. Prominently displayed on the wall is the stuffed head of his pet horse Goldie.

To everyone's disappointment, once again, the reports led nowhere as police could not obtain a search warrant based on hearsay. They required an eyewitness report or physical evidence.

Inside Robert Pickton's motorhouse
Photos of the interior of a trailer parked on Pickton's farm. The blood of Mona Wilson was found inside.

It took three more years for the big break on the case to come.

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